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Guitar CORD Collection

Makes your life full with rhythm--


The speech of admin- Hello everyone.....

Warmest welcome for visiting this site.

I am just trying to host the almost popular guitar cords. Most are collected from various popular sites. Hope all visitor will inspire our work.

-Thanks (admin-robin).

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Cholona ghurey ashi _ Happy Akhand

 C        F     G         C
Cholona ghure ashe ojanate

         F       G       C
Jekhane nodi eshe theme gese

C            F
Abar eloje sondha

G          C
Sudhu dujone

C                 F
Jhaubone hawagulo khelse

G                 C
Shawtali meyegulo cholse

C                 F
Lal-lal sharigulo urshe

G                 C
Tar sathe mon mor dulshe

E                 F
Oi dur akashero prante

G                 C
Sat-ronga meghgulo urshe

C                 F
Ei buji boye gelo sondha

G                 C
Vebe jai kijani ki monta

C                   F
Pakhigulo nirye fere cholse

G                   C
Gane gane ki je kotha bolse

C                   F
Vabi sudhu ekhanei thakbo

G                   C
fera jete mon nahi chaisye

Posted by- admin( mishu )

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